If you have ever done business under another name, please let us know. Be sure to include name variations, such as: Acme, Acme Inc., Acme LLC, etc
Please include a brief (under 250 characters) description of your business.
If you have ever done business under another address please let us know.
We are looking for a list of who you see as your primary competition in the region both online and offline. This will help us in navigating your business to the top of the digital dog pile. Please include URL's where you can.
For this category we are interested in learning more about any associations or certifications that your business might be a part of. Do members of your team hold any relevant certifications or unique training?
Please let us know up to 5 keywords that you think you'd like to target.
Please let us know if there are any other businesses that you partner with. These can be vendors, suppliers, or other local businesses that you support.
Are there any websites or blogs that you go to to keep up to date in your industry?
We may look for opportunities to submit a guest post or ask you to comment on a few posts now and then.
Do you sponsor any local events, local groups, or sports teams? Let us know below.
Please provide us with access to the FTP for your website and/or the Content Management System (CMS).
However you log into your website to make changes is what we’ll need. Example: Wordpress, Squarespace, or Joomla.
We will need the below logins BEFORE we can launch your new website.
The sooner we get your logins to these accounts the better.
Example of a domain registrars are Go Daddy and Blue Host.
This could be the same as your domain log in. If not, please enter that information below.